Monday, September 1, 2014

Music Monday

Music Monday is going to be a new thing I do. So, here's the first installment.

Recently I've discovered the amazing world of screaming heavy metal, thanks to a coworker. And, despite my original thoughts to avoid it at all costs (because, y'know, being a Mormon and everything, we avoid things that have the potential to drive away the spirit), I really enjoy it. If you actually listen to the lyrics, they can actually be really motivational. For example, my new favorite song is called "Run Free" and it's by Asking Alexandria. Here's the official music video:

I've also learned something recently... Well, not really recently, because we're all told this from the time that we're little, but it never really sunk in until now: You can NOT judge a person by the way they look (like if they're super scary and intimidating looking). I've just started to realize that. I mean, there are some people that I just wouldn't associate with at all because they were all tattooed up and just very intimidating looking. But I've recently figured out that that's not always the case. A lot of times people who have tattoos are extremely nice and... I don't know. I guess it's just that I've realized that, and it hadn't really ever made its way into my life because I haven't really known any people with tattoos.

I was talking to one of my coworkers and we were saying how people judge other people who are super tattooed. I think it's just the stigma that's stuck criminals with tattoos. However, if you take the time to talk to people who have tattoos, a lot of them are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Like, they're nicer than some other people around the world.

But you just can't judge people. That's what I'm getting out, I guess. I guess I've just had my eyes opened to things that I'd never thought about before for some reason. I suppose I've actually been using my brain (trying to, at least...) instead of just thinking about nonsense like I usually do.

But enough about that, cause this is Music Monday, not weird Existential/Ranting Monday. But, yeah. That's my rant for today, and I'll see whoever the heck reads these things next time! (Maybe...)

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